Access Control Lists (ACLs) Part 2

In my last post, I covered a little bit about what an Access Control List (ACL) was. The Cookbook provides a great more detail.

To go along with the idea of the last post, the application has a few different areas: Users who are members of groups, Groups which have users as members, and Events that belong to either the user or the group. Since the creation of ACOs and AROs are basically the same for each area (Users, Groups, Events), I will detail some code for the Users area making use of ACLs.

The first thing we need to do is create an ARO grouping and an ACO grouping. Remember that AROs are the requester of an object. In this example, we can think of them as people. And people have different types of roles, which is what we need to create for the people. In this example application, there will be site admins (Admins), group leaders (Leaders) and regular members (Members). So we need to create this type of ARO. We can do this in a controller, and a page, or we can do this via the command line.

Continue reading Access Control Lists (ACLs) Part 2