Facebook Integration

As you have probably noticed, I have integrated a pseudo-Facebook hook into my little WordPress blog. I am wanting more comments to come thru via Facebook, and am building a full Facebook application that will integrate my posts in a non WordPress format, link to different resources on command and provide a way to search and query those items. All on Facebook. The way I am doing this right now is using the Facebook Application with the iframe setting.

So if you have not had a chance to connect to my Facebook App, here is a shameless plug to go ahead and do this now. I will combining the HirdWeb page with the HirdWeb Application. Since I am on Facebook quite a bit, and doing applications for Facebook API integration, I will start to share some of those techniques.

The application I will be walking through is an application I already have half way set up at my own site: www.stephenhird.com. This will soon be taken down and I will be putting up a better site to show the power of the Facebook API and how to integrate your site with Facebook for different things. As always, I will post the entire code page and any connections it needs to have. I will also post the directory structure of a possible integration of the Facebook API into an external application.