Design and Focus for Connecting on Social Media

OK, after the long break I took, I want to refocus on the Resume/personal web application I am building, and how to integrate with Facebook using the Graph API. But before we get into the nuts and bolts of the application, I just want to go over some of the design and focus for this application.

This application is mainly a learning tool, and way to get familiar with the Graph API and keep going with CakePHP. The main user for the administration sections are going to be me. So certain aspects can be adjusted, while others should not. One thing that I can be a little more relaxed on is the input fields. I will allow certain content, but not all. Sanitation of the input data does not need to be paranoid, and I can allow other things to slip through. However, I still want to have security in the back end and allow for checking of proper field id’s and other items that will allow the form to be secure, but give me the flexibility to enter different items in the backend.

Then there is the front end. This will be the forward facing end of the application and will also be the Facebook front. We have added in comments to the application. The next focus is the resume portion. And here is where we can look at the design and focus. By design I mean the design of the application. The UI can be really anything, and I will focus on a simple UI that utilizes HTML5 and CSS3. However, some people I talk to seem to question the aspect of resume portion, as in “why do that when there are countless other sites out there that already allow for this”? That is a good question. And I am not taking anything away from Monster, CareerBuilder, or any other site. LinkedIn provides a way to post your resume as well, and provides a social aspect for it. All of which are great. Remember, firstly, this is a way to experiment and learn more, grow in Graph API and CakePHP. But look at how the world is trending right now in technology.

Mashable has a great article titled HOW TO: Win the War for the Most Talented Employees. In technology there is projected to be more demand, and one that will also curve into the same trends that lead the online push. Social aspects of applications are huge right now. Connecting with Facebook is important. More businesses are finding that in order to increase their market share and brand awareness, they need to take to Facebook. Artists are doing the same, as is the Hollywood studios, for film, TV, and anything else.

Other non technology jobs may grow, but may remain at the same levels, which means a good resume that stands out will be important. More people need to find new avenues to promote themselves and grow the network. This holds true for even college football. With the coaching staff turnover at Ball State, it left a position coach out of work. He immediately took to Twitter and other social avenues. I am sure he is also working his contacts within the athletic directors’ offices, but Tweeting about availability is another way to stand out from the crowd.

This site I am building is strictly for me, and I will share some of this code with you. It is a way that I can have a resume online, using newer technologies, code, frameworks, social plugins, etc. Not that I am looking for a job, but because one should always be ready. No matter what, no matter how secure one is in their job, it is always important to keep up to date, and be ready. So that is the design and focus.

In the next post, I will share the data model I have come up with. Again, remember that it is not needed to be 3NF in its normalization, and some things I put together, and others I split out. Not a big deal, as it will work for this. If it does not work for you, then please use what works best for you. But we will tackle that next time.