Simple NuSOAP Server

In the previous post, we examined the client side of NuSOAP. In this post, we examine a very simplistic approach to building a server. In this example, it is going to use a very basic set up, and will return only a string. No complex data will be returned, and it will be a quick look at how to create a NuSOAP server. The more complex approaches will come later.

Using the previous information in the post, we have a client that we can text the service on. Before I complete the webservice server, I always do some quick testing of the functionality before sending it to the web service. In this example, we will use one of the services built previously:
showPhrases – Phrases from Shakespeare plays that replace the names in the phrase with the passed in name/string

This webservice requires 2 items to be passed:
id – A number from 0 to 4 (In this example I only used 5 phrases)
name – A name or variable that can be used to replace the names in the phrases

The first thing we should always do, is map out the plan for this function.
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